Thursday, October 18, 2018

Where The Time Goes [2]: Allison Crutchfield - Tourist In This Town (2017)

It sounds like a cliché to just say that Allison Crutchfield is Waxahatchee's twin sister. Above all, it's absurdly unfair. They're twins but don't annul the talent of one another. Released in early 2017, "Tourist in This Town", her debut album, did receive some cool reviews but how would it sound like within two years time? It still resonates really great to say the least.

"Tourist in This Town" is essentially about settling matters with the heartbreaking past as well as it appears to be a rather well achieved recognition of self-esteem and artistic independence, perfectly reflecting Allison Crutchfield musicianship, multi-instrumentalist and composition abilities. On the other hand it would be unwise to not acknowledge the soft clean 80s synth pop whispering all through the album giving it both gracefulness and luminosity just like when you enter a dark room and suddenly open the curtains which is somehow the metaphor for this album: shedding light onto yourself.

Almost two years after being released "Tourist in This Town" keeps being a highly pleasurable listening, nostalgic, bitter-sweet, sad at times but most of all a healing, closing chapter before new memories are built. Remarkably delicate and beautiful.

Monday, October 15, 2018

AUSTRALIAN GEMS 2018: The Goon Sax - We're Not Talking


Saturday, October 13, 2018

ALBUM OF THE WEEK (#41): Madeline Kenney - Perfect Shapes (2018)


Monday, October 08, 2018

AUSTRALIAN GEMS 2018: New War - Coin