Thursday, January 03, 2019


After countless hours of pleasure and joy listening to loads of remarkable music, INDIEVOTION’S finally presents its pick for Best Albums of 2018.

Last year was, in a certain sense, a musical blessing with so many fabulous records having been released, so many great acts, loads of refreshingly good new sounds, gorgeous with addictive songs hitting the airwaves and making every day a feast for the senses. Hopefully 2019 will be at least as good as 2018 was.

Our list does not pretend to be definitive, orthodox, nor even to essay any sort of opinion making about the issue in appreciation, although we’re pretty sure that our list is a highly representative sample of the most thrilling, beautiful music released last year.

The List...

Holly Arrowsmith - A Dawn I Remember (100)
IDLES - Joy As an Act Of Resistance (100)
Kristin Hersh - Possible Dust Clouds (100)
Sarah Mary Chadwick - Sugar Still Melts In The Rain (100)
Totally Mild - Her (100)

ACTORS - It Will Come To You (90)
Amen Dunes - Freedom (90)
Bambara - Shadow On Everything (90)
Camp Cope - How To Socialise And Make Friends (90)
Candélabre - Candélabre (90)
Car Seat Headrest - Twin Fantasy (90)
Caroline Rose - Loner (90)
Emma Ruth Rundle - On Dark Horses (90)
Hot To Rot - Hot To Rot (90)
INTERPOL - Marauder (90)
Lowtide - Southern Mind (90)
Moaning - Moaning (90)
New War - Coin (90)
Preoccupations - New Material (90)
The Beths - Future Me, Hates Me (90)

Anna Calvi - Hunter (85)
Courtney Barnett - Tell Me How You Really Feel (85)
Creux Lies - The Hearth (85)
Dark Fair - Off Into My Head (85)
East Brunswick All Girls Choir - Teddywaddy (85)
En Attendant Ana - Lost And Found (85)
Exek - Ahead of Thoughts (85)
Facs - Negative Houses (85)
FLOWERTRUCK - Mostly Sunny (85)
Fraser A. Gorman - Easy Dazy (85)
Frigs - Basic Behaviour (85)
Gabriella Cohen - Pink is The Colour of Unconditional Love (85)
Illuminati Hotties - Kiss Yr Frenemies (85)
Jenny Hval - The Long Sleep (85)
Liines - Stop Start (85)
Madeline Kenney - Perfect Shapes (85)
Marissa Nadler - For My Crimes (85)
Oh Pep! - I Wasn't Only Thinking About You... (85)
Ought - Room Inside the World (85)
Phantastic Ferniture - Phantastic Ferniture (85)
Pill - Soft Hell (85)
Primitive Motion - House In The Wave (85)
RL Civil - Sweet Goth Eye Candy (85)
Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever - Hope Downs (85)
Sarah Blasko - Depth of Field (85)
Tape/Off - Broadcast Park (85)
The Goon Sax - We're Not Talking (85)
The Ocean Party - The Oddfellows Hall (85)
UIU - Phantasms of The Living (85)
Varsovie - Coupes et Blessures (85)

Wednesday, January 02, 2019

AUSTRALIAN GEMS 2019 [#1]: Fox Scully - Wake Up In A Beam EP [2019]